
The Arrangement Pt.6

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Dinner was...interesting, to say the least. Strange and exotic foods were presented to Athena. Flavors and spices she had never tasted before greeted her palate. She wasn't sure if she like any of the food, honestly, but she was so hungry that she wolfed down whatever was offered. She contributed to the conversation when necessary, but for the most part, she sat back and kept silent, watching her new husband with curiosity. His voice was deep and masculine, and he spoke with confidence. Though it was becoming clear to her that he was not a man of many words, whatever he did say carried weight. Though they were far below his social class, many of the servants and ladies-in-waiting standing around the perimeter of the dining room hung on his every word when he spoke, clearly smitten with his good looks and charisma. Athena's own pulse quickened whenever he looked her way or attempted to draw her into the conversation.

At last, the queen yawned and stretched. "I think it is high time we all retired for the evening," she announced, standing. Athena and Atem followed her lead, getting to their feet and bowing to her. Some kind of unspoken conversation happened between Atem and his mother that Athena couldn't quite interpret. Atem twitched slightly in irritation and his mother giggled. She nodded to us and then departed. Atem stared after her for a moment, his jaw working, and then he turned to Athena, bowing formally to her, "Come, let us retire."

She raised her eyebrows at him questioningly, but followed after him when he headed for the door.

After escorting Athena back to her chamber, he attempted to follow her inside, naturally assuming that he was now welcome back into his own room.

"What do you think you're doing?" she demanded when she saw him going to close the doors.

Atem looked surprised, "I thought...?"

"Well, don't even think about it. Go away immediately." Athena then promptly shoved him out of the room and slammed the doors shut behind him, sliding the bolt in place from inside for good measure.

Atem sighed and then chuckled to himself as he headed for his temporary quarters. I shall never tire of her he thought. 

It was a couple of weeks before Athena finally let Atem return to his own room and sleep in the same bed with her. They had been spending significantly more time together each day, and she had begun to see little by little that her husband was a good man. She felt safe with him. In fact, second only to his mother, she preferred his company above all others. He was kind and gentle with her, but also playful in his own subtle way. There were times that he would say or do something that would set off her temper, and only after she had been scolding or ranting at him for a few minutes would she realize that he had been teasing her. All the time, he never lost his good humor, and he would simply watch her, smiling, with that infuriatingly even temperament. The only reason she felt more comfortable around his mother was that there were no expectations for physical affection.

A week after her arrival, Atem invited Athena to go hunting with him. She lit up immediately at the prospect, flexing her fingers involuntarily as she remembered her bow. When he led her to the stables, she was surprised to see servants preparing two chariots for them. Athena had never driven a chariot in her life. All of her hunting had taken place on horseback or on foot. Noting her sudden hesitancy, Atem asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Do you not hunt on horseback?" she inquired, stepping up to one of the chariots and fingering the reins curiously.

"Occasionally, yes," he admitted, then asked, "Have you never hunted with a chariot before?"

"No," she shook her head, "I've never even driven one before!"

Atem smiled, "Then you shall learn today." Addressing the servants, he said, "We only require one chariot today."

The servants bowed and began unhooking the two horses from the second chariot. Atem whistled loudly, and moments later, two great hounds came bounding into the stables, tails wagging and tongues lolling out the sides of their mouths.

Immediately, Athena's face fell at the sight of them. As she knelt to greet them, homesickness washed over her, and she began to sob as the two hounds washed her face with kisses.

"Athena?" Atem was immediately beside her, "Athena, what is wrong?"

Taking a deep breath, Athena forcibly pulled herself together and scrubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "Basil," she whimpered, scratching the hounds behind their ears, much to their delight.

"Basil?" he repeated, not understanding.

Athena shook her head, "It's nothing." She tried to smile up at him "Forgive me. I just felt homesick is all. But I'm alright now."

Deciding to let it lie, he allowed her to act brave for the time being. He offered her his hand, "Come. Let's get your mind off of things."

She took his hand, smiling genuinely now, and let him help her up. He led her to the chariot and helped her mount the standing board. She looked around, surprised, and asked, "Is there not a seat?"

"No. You're meant to stand when you ride."

"Well, that seems incredibly precarious," she noted distastefully.

"It just takes practice," he assured. "Now," he mounted the chariot and stood behind her, reaching around her to take the reins in his hands, "I'll show you how it's done for a few minutes, and then I'll let you take over."

"Alright," she agreed, grasping the front of the chariot to brace herself.

He found her eagerness and obvious affinity for sportsmanship wildly attractive. He suddenly wanted to impress her. Prompting the horses with a smart slap from the reins, the chariot jerked forward. Even though she was still holding on to the front of the chariot, the momentum threw Athena back against him with a thump against his chest. She reached back with one hand to capture her hair as it whipped in the wind, helpfully keeping it out of his face. And then he heard the most beautiful sound in the world: Athena laughing. She laughed, and then she started to whoop as the chariot raced down the road. After several minutes, Atem pulled on the reins and brought the horses to a stop. "Are you ready?" he asked. Her excitement was infectious.

Instead of replying, she eagerly snatched the reins from him, whipped the horses with a practiced hand, and nearly sent him tumbling off the back of the chariot as it surged forward. He managed to grasp the sides at the last second and was surprised that she had managed to maintain her footing on her own. As they raced down the roads and wide streets of the city, Atem became lost in the thrill of the race. The rattling of the chariot as it soared over rock and dust, the wind in his ears, Athena's strong arms tensed with practiced control as she guided the horses through the streets...Atem wanted nothing more than to stand close to her like this always.

Making their way back to the palace, she eagerly insisted that they take both chariots out for a ride. Atem couldn't say no. He had never seen her look so vibrant and alive. He always wanted to see her like this. Wild, carefree...and happy.

They raced one another on the chariots for a few hours through the streets. He felt fairly certain that there would be plenty of gossip to go around about the prince and his new bride racing through the streets like a pair of wild savages. But watching Athena skillfully racing the chariot as it bumped and jostled along, her face alight with a wide smile, eyes squinted against the wind, her long hair and flowing gown flying out behind her, she looked far from savage. For lack of a better word, to him, she looked glorious.

Toward the end of the day, however, after the chariots were returned to the stables and they separated to go bathe, the memory of her sadness returned to him, and it troubled him. As he sat soaking in the bathing pool, he remembered Pharaoh telling him that she would be coming to a new land and new people and customs. But it hadn't really occurred to him until now that she had left everything and everyone she had ever known behind. And then the word she had said through her tears came back to him. "Basil..." he murmured thoughtfully.

One of the servants, mistaking his musings for a request, inquired, "My prince?"

Atem turned to the servant, "Bring Lord Masudah to me. I would speak with him."


The second week after the marriage, Athena grabbed Atem's hand to detain him when he bid her goodnight at her door as usual.

He waited for her to speak, his pulse spiking in response to her touch.

"I've been thinking..." she began, her voice shy and cautious.

He felt like the suspense was going to kill him. "Yes?" he asked breathlessly, his blood beginning to race.

"Well...I mean...we are married now, after all. Perhaps it's time you started sleeping in your own chamber again."

"That...would be nice," he agreed tentatively. He wanted to believe she was suggesting what he was hoping for, but he didn't dare to jump to conclusions so soon.

"Right." She dropped his hand, fidgeting nervously, and then abruptly spun on her heel and disappeared into the room. Atem watched her go for a moment, not sure what to expect, and then stepped inside and closed the doors, plunging the room into darkness. When he stepped into the inner chamber, Athena was already in bed, sitting up and hugging her knees to her chest. Her body language indicated that she was on guard, afraid of whatever he might try to do. He realized that sleep really had been all she was offering. At least for tonight. Atem, though very disappointed, accepted this and turned to draw the curtain to the inner chamber closed. Then, he parted the gauzy curtains and slipped into bed next to her, watching her reaction. She watched his eyes, quivering like a baby doe, and then she hurriedly said, "Well, goodnight!" and flopped down on her side, facing away from him.

Atem blinked and then began to chuckle as he settled in and lay on his back, one arm behind his head as he stared up into the canopy.

"What's so funny?" she demanded, turning over to face him.

He turned his head to look at her, still smiling, "Just you."

"Just me what?" she demanded saucily, propping herself up on one elbow.

He traced her stern features with his eyes and then reached one hand over to poke the furrow between her brows, "You always keep me on my toes." He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, stroking it with his thumb for a moment before retreating.

The first couple of nights were tense. Athena slept scrunched as far to her side of the bed as she could get, and Atem let her be. But after the third night, he thought to say something to her. "You know, you don't have to be afraid of me when you sleep."

She looked up at him sharply, "What?"

He settled down next to her on his side of the bed, "You can use more than the edge of the bed."

"I know," she squirmed nervously. "This is just all new to me, I suppose."

Atem reached his arm out to her, "Come here."

Stiffly and cautiously, Athena inched slightly closer to him. "Don't you dare try anything," she warned.

He chuckled, "You know I won't. Now, come here."

Athena was fairly certain she knew what he was getting at, so she carefully moved close enough for him to put his arms around her. Resting her hands on his chest with her ear over his heart, she waited for several heartbeats before asking, "Is there some specific reason for this?"

Atem shook his head and drew her closer to his frame, reveling in her softness and the sweet smell of her perfume. "I've always wanted to hold you like this."

"What do you mean 'always'?"

"Shh," he pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she relaxed slightly.

She was tired enough that she actually didn't mind being held like this. His body was strong and warm, and she was startled by how much she liked the feel of his skin against hers.

When she woke in the morning, Atem's heartbeat thrummed steadily in her ear, and she couldn't help smiling a little to herself. She had to admit, this was a pleasant way to wake up. Atem moved one of the arms that had been around her, apparently awake now, and tucked it behind his head, sighing. Athena raised her head from his chest and smiled up at him coquettishly. "Good morning," she grinned brightly.


Athena traced the lines of his beautiful face thoughtfully. His brow was furrowed slightly, but then it smoothed when he squinted through sleepy eyes at her and smiled ever so slightly, closing his eyes again.

Impulsively, Athena crawled up closer to his face and crossed her arms over his chest. "How did you sleep?"

He peeked at her with one eye and then sluggishly rolled, making her squeak, and trapping her in both arms as he buried his face in her neck, sighing contentedly. Athena stroked the hair at the back of his neck, smiling, and then said hesitantly, "Atem?"

"Mm?" he hummed into her hair.

She didn't speak at first, and when he didn't raise his head to look at her, she cupped his face with her hand and drew his head back to look at him. His eyes were glazed from sleep, but she knew he was paying close attention to her. He always did. Without a word, she leaned up and kissed him softly. She felt the quickening of his pulse and the sudden sharpening of his wakefulness. His arms tightened around her, and he pushed her down, deepening the kiss. Though she welcomed the kiss and melted into it, she still held back, resisting him. He sensed this and broke away, trailing kisses from the corner of her mouth and down her neck. Then he pressed his cheek to her heart and sighed shakily, whispering her name hoarsely, "Athena..."

"Atem?" she trailed her fingers up and down his spine.

"You're killing me," he whispered.

Even after being married for a little over a month now and sharing a bed for half of that, they still had not yet made love. Atem had already decided long before they had met that he wasn't going to push the issue with his bride. He would wait until she was ready for such intimacies. This pre-made decision, therefore, made it much easier for him to be patient with Athena. But in moments like this, when she was so playful and yielding...moments like this felt unbearable. He took a deep breath through his nose and let it out slowly through his mouth, finding control, cooling himself down, remembering his respect for her. When the wave passed, he disentangled himself from her and lay back, staring into the canopy with both arms behind his head.

Athena looked almost...frightened. Had she done something wrong? "Are you alright?" she quavered.

Atem looked at her and smiled with all his usual warmth, "Yes." He untucked one arm and reached for her, folding her back into his embrace. "Did I do something wrong?" she wondered aloud, her breath brushing his skin.

"Not at all," he reassured her, rubbing his hand up and down her arm comfortingly. "It's just...difficult for me sometimes."

"Difficult how?"

"To hold back."

"You not take me?"


Athena blinked wonderingly but didn't say anymore. Maybe she ought to talk to someone about this...

Atem sighed and continued to trail his fingers up and down his young wife's arm. For now, it was enough for him to just hold her in his arms at night--to both hear and feel her steady breathing. He wanted her to feel safe with him. He wanted her to know that he would never ask her to do anything she wasn't ready to do. In that moment, as they lay there together in the early morning light, he knew he loved her.
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